joi, 27 martie 2008

Stinge lumina!

Blogul lui Tudor e o reala incantare pentru mine. Azi am aflat de la el ca sambata, 29 martie, este o noua Earth Hour, la care participa si sibienii. Respectiv, toata lumea stinge lumina intre 20.00 si 21.00, ca un mesaj impotriva consumului exagerat de resurse, de care vaduvim constant planeta:

Marturii ale celor care au participat la Earth Hour:

Earth Hour by Flickr Candle Power

Earth Hour 2007. My girlfriend was really keen to do the right thing, we hadn't registered for event but it's really hard to find a good reason not to support a cause like this. We had all our lights off, just about everything unplugged from the walls, candles all around the place. It was actually really nice to have complete silence and the tranquility of the candle light! We get so caught up with all our appliances and artificial lights that we forget what simple pleasures something like this can provide! Of course it helped that Renee had her mobile phone to text people with, and I had my camera at the ready capturing copious numbers of images of whatever light I could find ;) It was good, I'll do it again, perhaps without them needing to make an event of it.

Nu-i mare lucru, poti sta o ora fara energie electrica. Iesi in oras, fa o plimbare in natura, mediteaza la ce-ai facut peste zi, joaca-te cu cainele/pisica/ala micu/pestele din acvariu. Si povestim duminica despre cum a fost. :)

Site-ul Earth Hour:

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